MySQL Error!
The Error returned was:
Table 'football_online.online_matches_2023' doesn't exist
Error Number:
SELECT turnir_id FROM `online_matches` WHERE DATE_FORMAT(begin_date,'%Y-%m-%d') >= '2023-11-22' AND score1!='' AND score2!='' AND status IN ('Final', 'Final AP', 'Final AET') AND (team1='Bate Borisov' OR team2='Bate Borisov') GROUP BY turnir_id UNION SELECT turnir_id FROM `online_matches_2023` WHERE DATE_FORMAT(begin_date,'%Y-%m-%d') >= '2023-11-22' AND score1!='' AND score2!='' AND status IN ('Final', 'Final AP', 'Final AET') AND (team1='Bate Borisov' OR team2='Bate Borisov') GROUP BY turnir_id